The Voron TAP Probe is one of the best autoleveling probes for the Voron, allowing you to switch nozzles, prints, etc., without the need to relevel the hotend. This kit by LDO, utilises an optical sensor instead of a mechanical endstop switch. You can find more information, such as assembly instructions, configurations and more on the following page: Voron TAP GitHub
This kit includes all parts needed, except from the printed parts that can be found here: Voron TAP parts
The full contents of the kit can be found on the package contents tab.
Product Identifier: 6975415150364
Manufacturer/importer: Levendig dsgn
Trade Name: Levendigs
Address: Kanaaldijk-Noord 111, 5642JA Eindhoven, The Netherlands

LDO Voron TAP Probe Kit