The Octopus MAX EZ is one of the most powerful and feature-rich mainboards available, featuring 10 EZ stepper driver connectors, allowing you to connect up to 11 motors. The new EZ stepper drivers are easier to install, more compact, and allow you to run higher voltages (for EZ5160), while still using the same popular TMC chips.
The board also has a separate power input for the stepper motors, allowing you to run up to 60V steppers. Additionally, it can function as a power supply for your Raspberry Pi. Lastly, it features a powerful STM32H723ZET6 chip.
This mainboard can be used with Klipper, Marlin and RepRap firmware.
You can find more information about this mainboard here: Github
Product Identifier: 93875792
Manufacturer/importer: Levendig dsgn
Trade Name: Levendigs
Address: Kanaaldijk-Noord 111, 5642JA Eindhoven, The Netherlands