BoxTurtle is exactly what it appears to be - an open source AMS style filament
changer for Klipper machines, designed by Armored Turtle. BoxTurtle requires the AFC-Klipper Add-On. The goal of BoxTurtle is to deliver a user experience as close to an
AMS as possible in vanilla Klipper. i.e. an "AMS" for any klipperized printer regardless of form factor but VORON Design printers in particular.
LDO BoxTrutle (LBT) is fully based on BoxTurtle original design, with various added extras. Check out the product video here:
- Smooth and powerful LDO pancake motors
- AFC-Lite board included
- Premium Anodized Extrusions for frame, with multiple colour options.
- Omron D2HW switch for filament sensor
- Rubber wheels and feet included (no need to print TPU parts)
- Pre-crimped cables included
- Filametrix parts included
- Turtle Necker Buffer (TN) parts kit included, but no board
- Hard Mount Hardware included
You can find more details on the Armored Turtle GitHub
You can find the assembly manual here:
Please note: This kit doesn't include the printed parts, or spools of filament.

LDO BoxTurtle V1.0 Kit - AFC (Automatic Filament Changer)